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Plans, Reports and Minutes 

Long Range and Annual Plans of Work

The Board of Supervisors approves Annual Plans of Work each year and updates the Long Range Plan every five years. These documents provide a detailed glimpse of the priorities, work underway and work planned for the District. The plans are based on the state fiscal year (July to June) and the formats are prescribed by the Washington State Conservation Commission.

In 2021, the Board updated the Long Range Plan. A survey of partners and communities was completed in November and the Board reviewed multiple drafts between November and December. Comments were solicited from our partners and the community. On December 9, 2021 the Board approved the final version which is available below:

Long Range Plan 2022-2026

The Annual Plan of Work is submitted at the end of May of each year:

Annual Plan of Work for FY 2025 (July 2024 to June 2025)

Reports of Accomplishments are submitted by conservation districts to the Conservation Commission as well.  The reports are based on the state biennium and are due to the Commission in early September.

Biennial Report of Accomplishments FY 19-21 (July 2019 to June 2021)

Public Records Officer

Annal Lael, District Manager
(509) 925-3352 ext 7

Board Meeting Schedule

 The next regular monthly meeting of the Board of Supervisors is scheduled for

Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 1:00 PM.
All meetings will be conducted remotely and in-person until further notice. Instructions for the Zoom conference meeting are in the agendas below. Contact Anna at 925-3352 ext. 7 or or Emily at 925-3352 ext.1 or for assistance.

Agendas for this, and past meetings, are posted below:

Past Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes from regular monthly and special meetings of the Board of Supervisors are available by clicking on the dates below:







Additional Record Information may be found at the KCCD office or at:

Featured Projects

Firewise Communities and Fuels Reduction Projects

Voluntary Stewardship Program

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KCCD offers a free home risk assessment to help landowners recognize wildland/urban interface fire hazards in addition to incorporating Firewise planning into existing and developing homesites & communities.

KCCD facilitated the Watershed Group that completed the Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP) Work Plan for Kittitas County. The VSP plan addresses agricultural activities in critical areas and must balance protection of critical areas with agricultural viability.

RCPP Cost-Share Program


KCCD is partnering with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service to implement a Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) project, "Yakima Integrated Plan - Toppenish to Teanaway". Kittitas County producers can apply for cost share funding for on-farm improvements this fall.

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